Hello friends! Come on? Finished the holidays right? For me, the holidays are over for a long time and I started going back to work.

I am an engineer and my job consists in staying several hours at the pc and who knows what I'm talking about, knows how useful it is to take short breaks every now and then to take a moment off your head!

When I'm not alone in the office I like to drink a coffee with my colleagues but it often happens to be alone in the room and then surfing the internet I discovered a site with online games that took me a lot. When I take a break, I go to https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/money-games/ and I enjoy choosing some games to put my mind off those 10/15 minutes.

Do you know which is my favorite? LEGO City Adventures Build and Protect!!!

I love this game because you build the buildings needed to create a thriving metropolis or you can dig for hidden mini-pieces that can be used to construct unique building types available in each area.

In short, build a real city !!! this game mirrors my work as an engineer a lot and for a break from work it's perfect!

There are so many games on the Free Mone Games site that you are spoiled for choice

This weekend I want to try to play with my niece who loves being on the PC and watching these video games. I can tell you how and how much we had fun!

Needless to tell you that I want to try this game too Merge Blocks, then I'll tell you about my experience.

Bye bye friends!

Title : beauty and fashion dresses


Ciao Amici

Come state? Sono di nuovo a scrivere sul blog per farvi un po’ il riassunto di questo ultimo periodo!

Ho ripreso di nuovo a lavorare e come vedete a scrivere sul blog e sul mio canale social instagram QUI e devo dire che la mia routine quotidiana non ha subito grandi variazioni. Ho nuovi progetti per questa estate, in programma un bel viaggio sicuramente importante e molto profondo del quale poi vi mostrerรฒ foto e ve lo documenterรฒ pian piano.

 Per ora quello che sto facendo รจ mettere da parte dei risparmi che mi serviranno per affrontare questo viaggio. A tal proposito se avete anche voi necessitร  di tenere sotto controllo le vostre finanze posso dirvi che io sto utilizzando uno strumento molto valido; si tratta di uno programma online che permette di calcolare i propri risparmi considerando degli obiettivi che si vuole rispettare; Ad esempio si puรฒ valutare quanto รจ il proprio deposito mensile di partenza, i tassi d’interesse e quale รจ il proprio obiettivo di risparmio.

Tutto questo avviene online sul sito SavingsCalculator.org e si ha modo di valutare anche per quanto tempo risparmiare denaro e tenere sotto controllo le proprie entrate ed uscite!

Uno strumento che a mio avviso รจ molto utile e ha anche molteplici utilizzi.

 Lo si puรฒ utilizzare non solo per calcolare i propri risparmi e tassi d’interesse ma anche per pianificare le spese relative all’istruzione, come per esempio quelle riguardanti l’universitร .

Inoltre vi รจ anche il calcolatore riguardante l’aspetto pensionistico, con il calcolo della propria pensione e tassi eventuali.

Io pe rora lo sto utilizzando per capire quanto riuscirรฒ a risparmiare nei prossimi mesi ed รจ davvero molto utile!

Vi consiglio perciรฒ di fare un salto sul sito SavingsCalculator.org QUI e valutare l’aspetto che piรน vi interessa dei vostri risparmi futuri!

Fatemi sapere se vi รจ stato utile!


EN - Hello friends

Have you been? I'm back to writing on the blog to give you a little summary of this last period!

I went back to work and as you can see I write on my blog and on my social instagram channel HERE and I must say that my daily routine hasn't changed much. I have new projects for this summer, planning a nice trip that is certainly important and very profound, of which I will then show you photos and document it slowly.

   For now what I'm doing is putting aside some savings that I will need to face this trip. In this regard, if you also need to keep your finances under control, I can tell you that I am using a very valid tool; it is an online program that allows you to calculate your savings considering the objectives you want to meet; For example, you can evaluate how much your starting monthly deposit is, the interest rates and what your savings goal is.

All this takes place online on the SavingsCalculator.org website and you can also evaluate how long you can save money and keep your income and expenses under control!

A tool that in my opinion is very useful and also has multiple applications.

   You can use it not only to calculate your savings and interest rates but also to start expenses related to education, such as those related to college.

In addition there is also the calculator concerning the pension aspect, with the calculation of one's pension and any rates.

For now I'm using it to figure out how much I'll be able to save in the coming months and it's really very useful!

I therefore advise you to visit the SavingsCalculator.org website HERE and evaluate the aspect that most interests you about your future savings!

Let me know if it was helpful!

You kiss

Title : beauty and fashion dresses